• Issues: Only issues assigned to user and open are shown.
  • Review Requests: Only merge requests which the user has a review request on are shown.
  • Merge Requests: Only merge requests which the user is the author of are shown.

Due Date
Fix Versions

Sort and Filter
Status can be filtered by exact match and sorted. Sorting is done based on Status Category (In Progress, then To Do).
Priority can be filtered by exact match and sorted. Priority order is loaded from each platform, and priorities across platforms are matched by their index in their platform ordering.
Due, created, and updated dates can be sorted. Default sort is most recently updated.
Fix Version can be filtered by exact match.
GitHub Logo
Shows all assigned teams and individual reviewers.
🏗️ Status based on labels is coming soon.
🏗️ Priority based on labels is coming soon.
If a Milestone is attached, the Milestone due date (if set) will be shown.
If a Milestone is attached, Fix Version will link to that Milestone.
GitLab Logo
Shows all assigned individual reviewers. Multiple reviewers is supported (GitLab Premium). Discussions items opened outside of the context of a review are not indicated at this time.
🏗️ Status based on labels is coming soon.
🏗️ Priority based on Label Priorty is coming soon.
If a Milestone is attached, the Milestone due date (if set) will be shown. If a due date is attached to an issue, it overrides the Milestone due date. GitLab does not support attaching due dates directly to a Merge Request.
If a Milestone is attached, Fix Version will link to that Milestone.
Jira Logo
🏗️ Bitbucket merge request support comming soon.
Issue Status field.
Default Priority field.
Default Due Date field.
Default Fix Version field.
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